Jérôme Le Royer de la Dauversière

The book  Jérôme Le Royer de la Dauversière was written in 1994 by Sister Bertille Beaulieu and a digital copy is now accessible to the public on this site. It consists of a short biography of the founder of the Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph, an international Congregation of which a community still exists in Saint-Basile, New Brunswick.

Father Henri Béchard, a Franco-American Jesuit, took almost forty years to write a well documented biography of Jérôme Le Royer de la Dauversière, founder of Montreal and of the Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph.

Jérome Le Royer de la Dauversière: His Friends and Enemies was published in 1991 by The Apostolate for Family Consecration, Bloomindale, Ohio, United States.

This book was translated into French by Sister Bertille Beaulieu and published in 1992 under the title Les Audacieuses Entreprises de Le Royer de la Dauversière (Montréal, Editions du Méridien, 1992, 408 p.).  Religious Hospitaller living in Saint-Basile, New Brunswick, Sister Bertille Beaulieu was then a professor at the Université de Moncton, Campus d’Edmundston.

Upon the request of Sister Denise Lafond, Superior General, Sister Bertille benefited from the knowledge acquired when translating Father Béchard’s book  to write a short biography of the founder of the RHSJ Congregation. The book Jérôme Le Royer de la Dauversière is available on this site.

History of Hôtel-Dieu (Exhibition)
Sense of belonging to Greater Madawaska (Exhibition)


Mar 22, 2022
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Mar 1, 2022
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