Historical Panels

In 2014, six historical posters were created to illustrate the six themes chosen to organize the exhibits in the Heritage Room of the Religious Hospitallers of St, Joseph, Hôtel-Dieu, Saint-Basile, New Brunswick.

The first board summarizes the history of the Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph, from La Flèche in France to Saint-Basile, New Brunswick. Others contain the history of the Hospitallers at Hôtel-Dieu, Saint-Basile, and their works in education at the Academy and Maillet College. Health Care and Hospital services in the Madawaska region begin at Hôtel-Dieu in Saint-Basile. The institution is autonomous, and in order to insure the subsistance of the sisters, the pupils, the sick and the employees, the farm and its produce as well as the manual tasks performed by the sisters and the employees are essential.

Click on the poster to see full screen.

History of Hôtel-Dieu (Exhibition)
Sense of belonging to Greater Madawaska (Exhibition)


Mar 22, 2022
Content not available in English for the moment.
Mar 1, 2022
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Feb 21, 2022
This year, the New Brunswick Heritage Week was held from February 14 to 21 and the theme chosen…